Diasen Polites 140 Reinforcing Mesh
Product Overview
Main purpose
To prevent cracks of Diathonite over inconsistent substrates or caused by the settlement of the background substrate and to improve adhesion over several kind of materials.
Use it on
Embedded within Diathonite plasters.
Polites 140 is a fiberglass mesh used as reinforcement for Diathonite plasters to prevent cracks over inconsistent backgrounds, or those caused by the settlement of the substrate below. It provides adequate capacity to withstand impact, to counteract the stresses due to thermal shock and curing, thus preventing the formation of cracks on the Diathonite plaster. Polites 140 is supplied in 1.0m x 50m rolls (orange colour).
Where to use it
Diasen Polites 140 mesh should always be used for Diathonite plasters applied at thicknessess of 60mm or more. This should be applied when half the total thickness of Diathonite has been installed (and it is still wet). So, for 70mm total thickness, you must apply 35mm of Diathonite, then Polites Mesh, then the remaining 35mm.
It should also always be used locally at stress points such as the corners of openings, around power sockets/boxes, over conduits etc.
What it does
Polites 140 is a fiberglass mesh used as reinforcement for Diathonite plasters to prevent cracks over inconsistent backgrounds, or caused those by the settlement of the substrate below.
How it works
It provides adequate capacity to withstand impact and counteract the stresses due to thermal shock & curing, thus preventing the formation of cracks in Diathonite plasters.
Why we love it
Polites 140 mesh can be used to improve Diathonite adhesion onto various substrates, embedded within the first layer of application.
It is supplied in convenient 1.00m x 50m rolls (Orange Colour/0.6mm Thick Net/Grid Dimensions 11mm x 11mm/Weight 120gm/m2)
- Comes in rolls
- Robust, high tensile strength
- Alkali resistant
- Wide Grid
- Easy and quick to apply
- Prevents cracking of finish plaster
- Does not corrode and stain
- The 11 x 11mm grid allows plaster to easily pass through the mesh
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Technical Details
Key Technical Data
Installation Guide
Find an installerHow to Install
- Apply Diathonite insulating plaster following its Installation Guide
- Diasen Polites 140 mesh should always be used for Diathonite plasters applied at thicknessess of 60mm or more
- When half the total thickness of Diathonite has been installed (and is still wet), apply the Polites 140 mesh
- Overlap each piece of mesh by 30mm and ensure the entire area is covered in mesh with no gaps
- When the Diathonite has dried sufficiently (approx. 24-48 hours later) begin application of the remaining thickness of Diathonite
- Over unstable substrates, it is recommended to fix the mesh with suitable fixings or nails.

Hints & Tips
- Polites 140 must be stored in well ventilated areas, away from sunlight, water and ice, at temperatures between +1° Celsius and +35° celsius.
- Do not apply at environmental temperature or at support temperature lower than +1°C and higher than +35°C
- During summer season apply the product in the cooler hours of the day, away from sun.
- Do not apply with imminent threat of rainwater or ice. Follow the instructions on the technical data sheet of the Diathonite plaster which Polites-140 mesh is combined with.