Redstone Clima Redboard Pro Reinforcing Mesh
Product Overview
Main purpose
Prevention of cracking caused by movement and drying of the finishing plaster
Use it on
Calsitherm smoothing plaster
As with all plaster types and applications, a mesh provides additional strength to the plaster. All wall surfaces including those insulated with Clima Redboard Pro will need to be resistant to stresses from every day life such as impact and movement. When reinforcing mesh is embedded into the plaster the mechanical strength of the plaster is improved and damage from impacts or movement in the building is greatly reduced.
Where to use it
Clima Redboard Pro Reinforcing Mesh should be embedded between two layers of Clima Redboard Pro Smooth Finishing Plaster.
What it does
When embedded within plaster the fibreglass reinforcing mesh provides protection for the surface well into the future.
How it works
The mesh provides mechanical strength and stability which improves the plaster’s ability to resist cracking from movement or impact.
Why we love it
It ensures a perfect long lasting finish is maintained on top of Clima Redboard Pro.
- Prevents surface imperfections
- High strength yet lightweight
- Easy to cut
- Does not corrode
- Mesh eliminates the likelihood of surface cracking.
- Simplifies the overall installation of the Clima Redboard Pro system.
- Easy to handle & apply, but robust enough not tear or rip during application.
- Resistant to alkali so won’t lose strength, corrode or cause discolouration.
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Technical Details
Key Technical Data
Installation Guide
How to Install
Clima Redboard Pro Reinforcing Mesh must be embedded withinClima Redboard Pro Smooth Finishing Plaster. It should be embedded between the first and second coat with each layer being up to 2mm thick.

Hints & Tips
The mesh should be applied immediately to wet plaster. The top coat of plaster should be applied once the previous layer (with the mesh on top) has lost its wet and shiny appearance.