Reinforcing Mesh for Gutex Thermoroom
Product Overview
Main purpose
To prevent plaster on Gutex Thermoroom from cracking while it dries and protect from cracks caused by impacts and movement over time.
Reinforcing Mesh for Gutex Thermoroom is a component of the Retro EcoWall solution.
Use it on
Wood fibre insulation boards and Celenit wood wool boards. It should be embedded between the first and second coats of plaster being applied to the board.
Gutex Thermoroom mesh is designed to reinforce the plaster applied to Gutex Thermoroom wood fibre insulation. The mesh has a high degree of strength, resists the alkaline nature of lime-based plasters and prevents cracking of the top-coat plaster being used.
Where to use it
Gutex Thermoroom mesh should be used with Gutex Thermoroom wood fibre insulation boards or Celenit Wood Wool boards in conjunction with Lime Green Solo plaster. It should be applied between the first and second layer of plaster so it will be embedded into the outer 50% of the plaster being applied to the board.
What it does
The reinforcing mesh is made from fibreglass and has a high degree of strength. It is alkali resistant, making it ideal for use with lime-based plaster like Lime Green Solo.
Cracking of the finishing plaster on Gutex Thermoroom can occur as a result of differential movement in a building or due to shrinkage during drying. In order to prevent cracking, the reinforcing mesh should always be applied.
The mesh also offers some protection against impacts on the surface of the finished installation.
Why we love it
Gutex reinforcing mesh is made from tough fibreglass and is highly resistant to alkaline substances. This makes it compatible with all lime-based plasters.
The mesh has an orange strip along its edge which makes it easy to find the correct overlap needed for the best results.
How it works
Gutex Thermoroom reinforcing mesh, when embedded in the second coat of plaster, provides a reinforcement lattice that increases the tensile strength of the overall Gutex Thermoroom system to prevent cracking over time.
- High degree of strength
- Alkaline Resistant
- High strength prevents cracking of the plaster surface.
- Ensures excellent lifetime performance and durability of the Thermoroom system.
- Resistant to alkali so is fully compatible with lime plasters.
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Technical Details
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Installation Guide
How to Install
The mesh should be applied after the first coat of Lime Green Solo has been applied and is still wet. Place the mesh onto the plaster and gently smooth it with a trowel until it is stuck. Do not use heavy pressure.
On areas larger than the width of the roll, the overlaps should be at least 100mm. There is a 100mm wide orange guide on the mesh to make this easy. You simply line-up the second length of mesh with the edge of the orange line and the overlap will be 100mm.

Hints & Tips
The second coat of Lime Green Solo, should be applied once the first is dry (at 16-17°C this is approximately 2 hours). The mesh should be entirely covered by the plaster embedded within the top 50% of the total thickness and must not be visible on the surface.