If there is excess moisture in the walls of a building, the risk of moisture transferring salt from the building materials to the surface and damaging the plaster, decoration and sometimes the masonry can be high.
Working with materials such as salt inhibitor plaster that help to not only form a barrier against salt and protect your interior, but also help to regulate humidity and reduce the risk of efflorescence occurring is key.
Our range of salt inhibitor plasters provide anti-salt barriers, protecting the plaster and paint finish within your building. Our products also provide excellent breathability, to allow water vapour to pass through but keep salt crystals at bay.
The products in our efflorescence plaster range are made with natural materials including Diathonite Deumix+, which is made from lime, clay, cork and diatomaceous earth.
Our efflorescence plaster range can be used on both internal and external solid stone or masonry walls where rising damp and salt deposits can occur, making them ideal for heritage buildings or retrofit projects.