The Green Register - Natural Materials Solutions for Passivhaus - Minimising Embodied Carbon
Green Register members Ecological Building Solutions will describe how their range of natural building products can be used to achieve Passivhaus whilst minimising embodied carbon.
Neil Turner and Niall Crosson, technical experts at Ecological Building Systems, will show two case studies: a house in Fife, Scotland, using their ‘Passive Eco Wall’ system; and another in County Cavan in Ireland, both using timber frames alongside wood fibre insulation and specialist membranes, tapes and seals. They will describe the technical details required to obtain best performance and the figures and calculations used to produce an embodied carbon assessment.
‘Snug Within’ is a new build timber frame Passivhaus dwelling that was designed and owned by Graham Drummond. The envelope build up utilised the principles of Ecological Building Systems ‘Passive Eco Wall’ and uses natural Gutex wood fibre insulation and the Pro Clima range of membranes, tapes and seals. Neil Turner, UK Technical Manager at Ecological Building Systems, will provide details of the structure and how all of these materials combine in order to achieve the Passivhaus standard.
A second presentation will focus on achieving the LETI, RIBA and RIAI embodied carbon climate challenge targets for a new build certified Passivhaus in County Cavan, Ireland. The project ‘Laraweehan Passivhaus’ is a timber framed dwelling, designed and owned by Niall Crosson, Group Technical Director at Ecological Building Systems. Niall will be presenting results obtained from embodied carbon assessments carried out on the property using the AECB PH Ribbon tool.