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Rolling out Intello Plus vertically
Rolling out Intello Plus vertically
Intello Plus applied to timber frame wall internally
Intello Plus applied to timber frame wall internally
Timber frame wall with service cavity
Timber frame wall with service cavity
Intello Plus membrane applied internally to a roof
Intello Plus membrane applied internally to a roof
An image of a product Rolling out Intello Plus vertically Intello Plus applied to timber frame wall internally Timber frame wall with service cavity Intello Plus membrane applied internally to a roof

Pro Clima Intello Plus

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Main purpose

Airtight membrane that reacts to humidity. Allows up to 100 times more moisture vapour to pass through when humidity is high to provide industry leading protection from moisture related structural damage.

Use it on

Internal walls, floors and ceilings.


Pro Clima Intello Plus is classified as airtight and also features a humidity variable vapour transfer rate. When conditions are right, the higher the humidity within a construction, the more vapour passes through. Used to airtight seal interior walls and ceilings, it allows moisture in the air, within the insulation  of the building fabric to escape through its unique Intelligent membrane. Intello Plus also improves indoor air quality by eliminating the risk of condensation, mould and other moisture related problems.

Where to use it

Intello Plus vapour control membrane can be used internally on walls and ceilings in timber frame buildings or in the timber roof of masonry buildings. It is especially suited to lightweight constructions where fibrous or flexible insulation is used in the walls and ceilings.

When retrofitting airtightness to an existing building, Intello Plus can be used in the roof and ceilings.

What it does

Pro Clima Intello Plus, as a hydrosafe airtight intelligent vapour control membrane, differs from other more conventional membranes by having the ability to alter its diffusion resistance based on the current humidity of its surroundings. This ensures the risk of condensation is minimised, with no structural damage from moisture, mould, rot and damp. 

How it works

The construction phase often generates high humidity as wet building materials like concrete, plaster or screeds dry out or if materials stored on-site were not adequately protected from rain. In this situation, Intello Plus reacts to allow up to 100x more moisture to escape so the building can dry out far quicker than if a membrane with a fixed diffusion resistance was used. When moisture levels and humidity in the building are high, either from the construction, leaks caused by unintentional punctures in the membrane or by moisture transfer from adjoining structures (flanking), the risk of condensation and structural damage is greater; Intello Plus is the best choice to eliminate this risk and safeguard the structure for the entire lifetime of the building.

Why we love it

Intello Plus has three layers; a fleecy backing that reduces friction, so snags and tears are less likely to cause a hole and compromise the airtightness. The backing also makes the membrane easier to install by improving its mobility when sliding over surfaces. The middle layer is the airtight intelligent membrane and the third layer is a super strong mesh that greatly increases the tensile strength and nail/staple tear resistance. This reinforcement makes Intello Plus perfectly suitable for any type of blown-in (dense-pack) insulation due to it having a very low amount of stretch.

The quality and effectiveness of Intello Plus has been independently tested, verified and approved by leading certification bodies. These include The British Board of Agrement (BBA), Passive House Institute (with the best ever results), The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) and others.

Pro Clima Intello Plus has now received European Technical Approval (ETA) and is the 1st Intelligent airtightness membrane that has proven its durability in accordance with EN Norms. Based on independent accelerated aging tests, Intello Plus has a life expectancy of at least 50 years; no other Intelligent membrane has attained this level of performance to date.

System warranty

Pro Clima provide a limited system warranty, backed-up with public liability insurance, for all airtightness system, roof and wall sealing system and construction products that they supply. A 10-year warranty is provided for these products when correctly installed in combination with approved thermal insulation materials and other Pro Clima system products.  When correctly installed in combination with other manufacturers’ products (not made by Pro Clima), a 6-year warranty is provided.


  • Industry leading membrane since 2004
  • Airtight and adaptive vapour resistant or vapour open membrane when required
  • Intelligent Membrane that reacts to humidity
  • Pro Clima Hydrosafe® Technology
  • BBA & NSAI Certified
  • Passivhaus Certified
  • First intelligent membrane with ETA approval
  • Reinforced Membrane


  • A comfortable construction is achieved, eliminating draughts and maximising the performance of the insulation.
  • By changing its vapour transfer rate based on humidity level, no damaging build-up of moisture occurs at the membrane.  A moisture build-up is often seen as “sweating” on polythene (non-breathable) vapour control membranes.
  • Hydrosafe® protects against moisture related structural damage and against higher humidity and wet materials at the construction phase.
  • Proven history of success since 2004. Also highly regarded and quality approved by leading certification bodies.
  • Proven durability with a life expectancy of at least 50 years.
  • Robust and tear resistant, it is suitable for use with blown-in insulation.
  • Approved and recommended by the Passivhaus Institute for use in Passive houses.


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Technical Details

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Technical Datasheet

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Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS)

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Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

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Declaration of Performance (DOP)

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Installation Guide

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Installation Guide

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Fixing the Membranes

Intello Plus should be installed with the printed side facing the installer. Each length of membrane should be placed at right angles to studs or rafters without sagging. There must be no creases or folds in the membrane. 

When installed horizontally on rafters, the gap between each rafter must not be more than 100cm. To support the weight of insulation exerting pressure on the Intello Plus, laths should be installed no more than 50cm apart.  

Use galvanised staples that are at least 10mm wide and 8mm long to attach the membrane. Staple every 10 to 15cm and overlap lengths of membrane by least 10cm.

Ecological Building Systems


Surfaces should be brushed down before bonding.  Dust should be vacuum cleaned or wiped with a cloth.

All surfaces must be suitable for permanent, airtight adhesion with airtightness tape and joint adhesive, and must be stable, dry, smooth and free of dust, silicone and grease.

Adhesion to frozen surfaces is not possible.  When it comes to protecting the structure, the best results can be achieved with high-quality vapour checks and airtightness membranes and timber derived sheathing.  In case of doubt, adhesion tests should be carried out.

Overlap the Membrane

Once the first membrane is in place the second layer is fitted.  The membrane may overlap by about 10cm.  The printed markings are an aid to orientation.

Sealing the membrane

Once the vapour check is fitted it has to be sealed.  The membranes should be sealed at overlaps without strain or loading, using Tescon Vana or Tescon No 1 adhesive tape.  Creases in the overlap area must not be over-taped; they must be cut off and re-sealed.  The tape should be applied centrally and pressed down firmly using, for example pro clima PRESSFIX.

Ecological Building Systems

Jamb Wall Sealing

Just as important as the sealing of overlaps are joints to adjacent structural components.  Tescon Vana and Tescon No 1 is used for joints to smooth, non-mineral structural components (such as this jamb wall made of OSB panels).  Gable walls are treated similarly.

The joint adhesive Orcon F is applied to adjacent mineral structural components or rough wooden components (e.g., plastered walls or rough timber) with a continuous bead of approximately 5mm thick Orcon F.

With rough surfaces, increase the bead size as required.  Glue the vapour check, with an expansion joint, to the adhesive bead.  To allow for movement, do not press the glue completely flat.

Pressure laths are usually not required on stable surfaces.

Gable (plastered) Sealing

For joints to plastered gable walls, a continuous bead of approximately 5 mm thick Orcon F multi-purpose joint adhesive should be applied from the cartridge.  With rough surfaces, increase the bead size as required.  Glue the vapour check and include an expansion joint.  Adhere to adhesive bead.  To allow for movement of the parts, do not press the glue completely flat.  Pressure laths are usually not required on stable surfaces.

Gable (unplastered) Sealing

For masonry which has yet to be plastered, the plaster sealing tape Contega Solido SL gives a secure, airtight seal.  Before sticking, the sub-surfaces should be brushed off or wiped clean with a cloth and uneven mineral sub-surfaces may need to be levelled with a smooth finish.  We would always recommend brushing the mineral surface with Tescon Primer RP prior to adhering the tape to stabilise the surface.  Contega Solido SL tape is first attached to the smooth side of the vapour check by peeling back the release strip on the reverse, the second section of the tape has full-surface adhesion to the mineral sub-surface.  Contega SL can be plastered over.  The modified waterproof Solid adhesive ensures quick and permanent joints with the subsurface.  The stuck joint is immediately airtight and can be subjected to loading.  Contega Solido SL also creates an interior airtight and vapour-retarding seal of windows and doors to adjacent components made of wood and mineral sub-surfaces such as concrete and sand-lime brick.  

Roof Beam (Purlin) Sealing

ORCON F joint adhesive is used at rough timber, rafters, purlins or other roof timbers.  Apply ORCON F in an approximately 5 mm thick adhesive bead. With rough surfaces, increase the bead size as required. Lay the vapour check (if possible) with an expansion join in the adhesive bead. Do not press the adhesive completely flat.

Chimney Sealing

For connections to insulated, double-layer chimneys, apply approximately 3cm of INTELLO to the chimney.  Apply an approximately 5mm thick adhesive bead (more if necessary) with Orcon F and lay the membrane, with an expansion joint, in the adhesive bed. Do not press the adhesive completely flat.

Seal the corners with short pieces of Tescon Vana or Tescon No.1  In the centre of the adhesive tape, cut halfway through.  Then it is easy to shape.

Pipe and Cable Sealing

If pipes or cables penetrate the airtightness layer they too must be securely sealed.  The most suitable means of doing this is with airtightness grommets made from EDPM.  This flexible material allows a tight fit, and Kaflex is available in all common diameters. Cable grommets are self-adhesive.  Remove the release paper, push over the cable and stick on.  Roflex pipe grommets are affixed using Tescon Vana.  Press firmly to secure the adhesive tape.

Ecological Building Systems

Corner Sealing

The airtightness of angled joints is also important.  Sealing is simplified with the corner adhesive tape Tescon Profil.  It features three release paper strips.  This allows you to “activate” a single part of the adhesive surface and to seal corners junction by junction.

Ecological Building Systems

Contega Solido SL also creates an interior airtight and vapour-retarding seal of angled joints to adjacent components such as joist ends to mineral sub-surfaces like concrete and sand-lime brick, providing the surface has been primed with Tescon Primer RP.  This tapes can be plastered over.


Cross- battens with a maximum spacing of 50 cm should hold the weight of the insulation. An interior lining protects the membranes from damage and UV light.  Once all the joints have been sealed, it is advisable to check the airtightness using a Blower Door.

Fixing the membrane

Ecological Building Systems

Sealing membrane overlaps

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Sealing a window

Ecological Building Systems

Hints & Tips

When blown-in insulation is being used and Intello Plus is installed horizontally, an additional supporting lath should be installed over the taped overlaps. Alternatively, the taped overlap can be reinforced by sticking more tape at right angles to the overlap every 30cm. 

Also, if blown-in insulation is being used, Intello Plus can also be installed parallel to joists or studs so the taped edges, overlaps and joins will be fully support by a solid structure.  

The roll contains step by step installation guidelines and handy demarcations, indicating suitable overlaps of the membrane, how much material is unrolled each time, and ensuring taped joints are kept in line.

Tools for Airtightness

Ecological Building Systems

Installation Guide

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